10 tips to help you improve your productivity at the workpla

10 tips to help you improve your productivity at the workpla


March 9th 2025

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Do you ever feel frustrated and feel like the whole of your day has gone to waste? Being productive can be so tough sometimes and it requires careful planning given that people have a handful of tasks at hand to fulfil each day.  Having a productive day is fulfilling, can help improve your mood, and can make it fun at work. 

There is no magic pill that can instantly improve your productivity, but there are a few tips. They helped me plan better, be prepared for the tasks ahead, and achieve more at the end of the day.

1. Set smaller goals
Often, people set big goals, such as finishing a whole project. This can be overwhelming and frustrating, especially when they don’t meet their goals. Instead, split the project into smaller tasks with goals that give you more control and the feeling that you are progressing. Smaller goals will keep you on track, eventually adding up to fulfilling bigger tasks.

2. Stop multitasking

It is usually so tempting to achieve more than one task at a single time. This will leave you more vulnerable to accomplishing so little. Multitasking simply never works as it is not humanly possible. Plan time for every task and stop juggling between tasks. 

3. Remove distractions
Addictions such as the constant urge to check your phone or use social media waste a considerable amount of time. It is important to stay focused and resist temptations.  A better way to achieve this is by keeping your phone away and operating from one screen. Plan when to read and reply to your text messages and emails. 

4. Takes a break when it is necessary

Sometimes, we think that the more hours we put into a task means the more we are achieving. It doesn’t always work, especially when you are burned out. Take a few breaks, go to the gym and work around. This will help improve your mood and rejuvenate your energy to proceed with the tasks ahead.

5. Stop trying so hard to be perfect and forgive yourself

Be ready to accept that some days will not be as successful as others. Do not dwell on your mistakes, but forgive yourself and move on. This will allow you to improve while also learning from the previous days.

6. Give priority to the more important tasks ahead of time
Always plan important and short deadline tasks ahead of the others. This will help you finish most of your important tasks within a day and lift the pressure of deadlines or juggling between several tasks.

7. Know your productive hours
Everyone has a time when they are more productive. Find out what you are most productive in and optimize your tasks during these periods which will help you achieve more.

 8. Write a to-do list
A to-do list will help you plan for the tasks ahead of you based on priority. Knowing where to be and what to do is essential to good time management.

 9. Get enough sleep
Great productivity and sleep go hand in hand. When you get adequate sleep, it promotes the physical recovery of your body. During sleep, your brain creates and maintains critical pathways for memory formation and retention. These processes help enhance learning and problem-solving skills.

 10. Reward yourself for a great performance
Keep track of your small wins and celebrate them more often. Rewarding yourself and seeing how far you have come will inspire you to do more.

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